Sunday 11 August 2013

29 July – 2 August 2013 – Middle Lagoon, Cape Leveque (Kooljaman) , Bardi (One Arm Point)

Another week has begun and it is now time to leave the lovely town of Broome for a few days.  We packed up and left the van park heading north along the sandy red road along the Dampier Peninsula.  We were taking the caravan to Middle Lagoon for the next 4 nights to relax and enjoy the sunshine – just like a proper holiday!  It is a bit 150kms along the red dusty road to the turn off to Middle Lagoon and then about another 30kms west along corrugations until we sited the water.  We pulled into this little aboriginal owned caravan park and paid our fees (I’m sure they didn’t charge us enough).  We found our site, set up the camp and went for a walk down to the lagoon – it was beautiful – time to relax!  We ran into some fellow travellers here that we had previously met at El Questro, Andrew, Kylie, Jasmine, Josh and Mia so the kids were excited that they might have some kids to play with for a few days – I had a different idea which involved plenty of school work.  In the afternoon, Josh and the kids went for a dip in the lagoon, Dad went for a walk around the rocks and I slumped onto the sand to chill out – we all came together a bit later for a spot of cricket though.  It was our niece’s birthday today and we didn’t have phone reception to call her.  However, we spotted a phone not far from the office just standing all alone and figured that we may be able to use our phone card to make a call.  We were surprisingly pleased when we read that it was a government paid phone to assist the aboriginals with keeping in touch – but no signs to stop us white fella from using it either.  We were able to make our free call back home to wish Rhiannon a happy birthday and in hindsight probably should have called everyone on our phone list while it was free…   It was a lazy afternoon which led into a stunning sunset.  We walked up to the top of the cliffs that overlook the ocean, where many unpowered campers had set up and the orange and red of the sunset was stunning, one of the best we’ve seen.  The cloud formations surrounding us made for some fantastic photos – yet again!  We had a quiet night in watching a movie but it wasn’t one to rave about – no wonder Josh fell asleep.
The following day, the kids started out by doing some aboriginal dot paintings on my arms and legs by using the red dirt from the ground and then we jumped into the car to do some sight-seeing.  First stop was at Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm.  We browsed their small jewellery store before grabbing a coffee at the café but when it came to wandering around the place, we were told that due to OH&S that we weren’t able to, this was a busy fully-operating pearl farm so it was unsafe to do so.  Oh well, we went back to the car and back in search of other spots.  We next drove to One Arm Point to the Ardiyooloon hatchery where they are particularly interested in the Trochus Shell.  The Bardi aboriginal people eat the meat from these marine snails and then use the mother of pearl to make things such as jewellery and buttons.  We also got to feed the barramundi, and see other fish like the lion fish, clown fish, monkey fish and blue ringed octopus.  There were some lovely beach spots right along this coastline with gorgeous white sand, clear blue water and a few little make-shift beach huts with lots of cockatoos floating about.  We drove on further to Kooljaman Wilderness Camp at Cape Leveque which is somewhere that other campers have raved about.  Unfortunately, the camping area is not very big and we couldn’t bring the caravan this far up the cape and it is also busy and hard to book into.  Instead, we stopped here for a late lunch of pizzas, wraps and hot chips and then had a look around the coastline which again is extremely pretty.  We followed the pathway all the way down to the beach where Josh and the girls popped in for a swim.  After a bit more of a look around we decided that due to the time it was going to take us to return to the caravan park, that we would make tracks.  It was close to sunset time again when we returned so had our showers and dinner and then went to sit by the campfire with some fellow travellers to swap stories – another great evening.
For the next 2 days we tried to fit in lots of school work (which again we were behind with) in the mornings and then relaxed on the beach at the lagoon in the afternoons.  It was great to just go for a swim in the cool water, go for long walks along the beach, make a few sandcastles, collect shells and play a bit of beach cricket.  They were lovely hot days and we even managed to put the boat in for a day but when it was pulled out of the water we had popped a tyre so no more boating until we replaced it.  Nights were spent inside as it was pretty cold so we simply watched a movie at night.  Mostly though Josh picked them and would then fall asleep and we would curse him at the end of it as they were crap movies.
Friday was pack up time.  Dad had collected lots of shells, shell pieces and bits of coral so he went through his pile and chose out the ones he wanted to keep and returned the rest.  On our drive back to Broome, we turned off into Beagle Bay to have a look at the Sacred Heart Church.  The church is only quite small but is next to a school and a highly visited place for the beautiful mother of pearl on the altar, window sills and aisle.  From here we drove all the way back into Broome, fuelled up, grabbed some McDonalds for lunch (haven’t had it since Cairns which seems like an eternity ago) then went on the hunt for a gurney to clean the car and van.  If anybody is out there looking for a business venture, I would highly recommend looking into putting some type of car wash in at either Derby or Broome.  There is only one gurney which is part of a garage in Broome (and none in Derby).  So for around 6 months of the year you have hundreds of cars coming off the Gibb River Road covered in dust and nowhere to wash them down at the end of their trek.  We spent around $30 (could have been a lot more if we had more $1 coins) cleaning majority of the dust off both vehicles while others were lining up waiting for us to finish.  We ended up back at Broome Caravan Park near to where we were previously and set back up.  After a quick shower, we decided to go out for dinner to Matso’s Brewery.  On our way out of the van park we noticed Andrew and Kylie getting towed into our park, the poor things had car trouble around 200kms out of town and had to turn back – not that Broome is a bad place to have to spend additional time.  Dinner at Matso’s was pretty good – made even better by the fact that the kids had found a free double ended gaming machine to sit and pass some of their time instead of nagging away at us.  Josh enjoyed his last mango beer tonight, I’m sure that is something he will miss.

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