Thursday 12 December 2013

28 November – 1 December 2013 – Birdville, Hahndorf, Adelaide (West Beach)

We said our goodbyes to Debbie and her girls and family this morning and pushed on to the big smoke.  We had a bit of time on our hands along the way so made a special stop just for Josh – at the National Motor Museum, Birdville.  Thankfully, there was something to keep the kids amused while we were here; it was a sheet where they had to find a range of about 10 small cardboard cars inside the 300+ real cars inside the museum – difficult but fun.  I got a great photo of Sami pretending to drive Josh in some old beat up car - it epitomises the future - it won't be the girls requiring a lift home but still Josh (he'll never grow up). Further along our road trip, we pulled into the town of Hahndorf, which claims to be “Australia’s oldest German town”.  The weather was crap, it was cold and raining but we couldn’t help but stroll along the streets.  It was a really cute town with some fantastic little shops.  The girls favourite was a puppet shop and mine was a clock shop – could have spent ages in here!  After making a bit of lunch in the van, we pushed along in the miserable weather to Adelaide so that Josh could buy a pair of shoes.  Half hour parking across the road from Myers and we were back in time without being booked – Josh is a great shopper; in and out in no time!  It was getting late so we headed for West Beach caravan park (on the coast of Adelaide) which we had already booked for a few night’s stay.  We were right next to the amenities block, the playground and the pool – it was fantastic except for the planes flying overhead.

It was a big day today as Josh was flying from Adelaide to Melbourne to discuss work options.  We dropped him at the airport (so much easier than Sydney airport) and then headed back to the van.  Josh might have had a fun day out but we spent all morning in the caravan doing school work.  The girls worked pretty hard at it this morning but only because I promised to take them across the road to Harbour Town if I thought they’d achieved enough… fortunately for them I was in a good mood (and had had enough of school work myself).  After lunch we went shopping for a few hours.  In the meantime, Josh had phoned to say he was done and was trying to get an earlier flight.  We had fun at the shops and didn’t spend too much money – and then picked Josh up around 5pm.  We had lots to discuss and some big decisions to make.  Thank goodness for that playground being right next to our site.

Saturday was spent investigating possibilities and then we had plans to catch up with more travelling friends.  Graeme and Sharon Crase we first met at Banka Banka (on our way north to Darwin), then Daly Waters pub – and, by coincidence, again at El Questro along the Gibb River Road.  They had invited us over for lunch and we jumped at the chance to catch up with these lovely people again.  They only live about half hour south of Adelaide so it was a short trip day.  Sharon had made some lovely salads and desserts to die for – scrummy home-made pavlova and a chocolate cheesecake!  We had a lovely afternoon swapping stories and chatting in general and by the time we left, they nearly had to roll us out the door – and gave us a doggy bag for later.  We decided that we may not have time to see Adelaide properly so headed into town for a quick run-down of the city.  After stopping so that Josh could do a quick inspection of CMI Toyota (the biggest Toyota dealership I’ve ever seen), we parked around the corner from St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral and went to inspect.  There was a mass being held but I still wanted to see the inside of this monstrous place so I wandered in and sat about five rows from the back with the kids in tow.  Josh had no choice but to follow – but that didn’t last long – he was up again in under two minutes ushering us back out; embarrassing with so many people in the church!  The kids were meant to be studying beliefs for school so I thought it could have been a good idea to sit in on mass but Josh had other ideas.  We wandered through the main streets of the city going past the Town Hall and along Rundle Mall.  The kids had fun playing with the “mall’s balls” and the Rundle Mall Pigs.  I was really surprised that there was an actual multi-storey Kmart in this mall.  We wandered around doing some window shopping seeing as though most shops were closed and passed the Adelaide Fire Station on the way back to the car.  As we wandered past, the alarms sounded and firemen and trucks raced out of the buildings.  We made one last stop on the outskirts of town at St Peters Cathedral and the Adelaide Cricket Ground (currently under renovation even though the second Ashes Test is being played here).  The cathedral was lovely but we couldn’t get inside as there was a function of some sort being held here.

The weather forecast for Sunday was around 33 degrees – typical though, the hot weather didn’t arrive.  We woke up to cool weather and showers which weren’t great seeing as though we invited the Woods’ and Clarke’s over for a day in the sunshine.  They all arrived safely, even Mick who rode his bike some 100+ kms from Mannum, and the kids had a hoot all playing together while the adults hung about and socialised.  After a bbq lunch, Josh used his negotiating skills to obtain buggies for each of them for a bit of fun.  Later in the arvo, while it was still quite cool, we walked down the beach (as we hadn’t seen it yet).  The kids had a few races along the way before returning – just as the sun was finally beginning to appear.  Back at the caravan park, we took the kids to the pool for an hour or so to finally get a swim in; but as it was getting quite late, and our guests still had long drives ahead of them, we packed up the kids and went to the local fish and chip shop for dinner together.  It was here after dinner that we farewelled them all and encouraged them to visit us in other parts of Australia in the near future… sad to say goodbye again!

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