Thursday 25 April 2013

19 April - 22 April 2013 – Sydney

Dad and I packed our bags this morning as we were both Sydney bound after lunch.  We headed into Cairns for a bit of a wander around town and stopped at some pub for lunch which almost caused us to be late for our flight.  I was so full from the lunch that I simply couldn’t eat the food on the plane – except for the small chocolate of course.  Upon finally boarding the plane around 2.30pm, we safely made it to Sydney to join the peak hour traffic of Sydney (or as some would say, the carpark).  Due to the traffic, Dad drove us home via the scenic route via Milperra of course.  It took us 2.5 hours on our plane from Cairns to Sydney, then nearly the same from Sydney back to the Hawkesbury… typical Sydney!  We arrived at mum’s to tell her of our tales in Cairns before Dad went then went home.  Mum and I continued to chat and even enjoyed a wine before bed (only the one though?).

Wow, just as I was looking forward to – I loved sleeping in my king size bed and all on my own.  There was so much room!  This morning mum and I headed to McDonalds to grab a handful of coffees and hashbrowns to take to Toni’s (my sister for those of who don’t know) and surprise her with my visit.  Today is her 40th birthday (sorry for mentioning that no so important number Toni) and I am in Sydney as a surprise for her.  She opened the door and was shocked to see me – yay!  She had a few friends visiting tonight so we left her to prepare for that.  I dropped mum back home before returning to Toni’s to pick up Rhiannon (my 10yo niece) and head to the shops at Penrith for a few hours before dropping her home.  This afternoon I had a lovely family visit me at my mum’s for a few hours.  It was so good to see Jo and Nat Monteleone with their 3 girls for a few hours of catch up.  After they headed off, mum and I got dressed warmly (something I’m not used to at the moment) and headed to Toni’s to join her and her friend’s.  It was a fantastic night and I’m sure that it is one that Toni will “mostly” remember.  Thanks to her hubby John for playing taxi for me at nearly 2am too.

Sunday morning was lovely and quiet (and warm sitting on mum’s front porch).  I was hoping to catch up with more family and friends today.  Just after lunch they started to roll in.  It was absolutely fantastic to catch up with good friends and family (thanks Lee, Jas, Tara, Bron, Ann; Rod, Isaac, Ruby; Samantha, Annalyse, Maddison; Bill, Hilda; Sarah and of course my beautiful mother).  After dinner and the final guests had said goodbye, we had a late visit from my Dad – one last time before I was due to fly back to Cairns.  After he left I also did one last visit to see Toni and her family and give them all a whole lot of cuddles.  Mum was still up when I returned so we sat and watched a bit of the kids’ most recent dance DVD’s (I think this has become a hobby of mum’s) before retiring for the night into my king size bed (I know – I’ve mentioned it before, but this is a fact worth mentioning).  [P.S. – Josh took the kids to Port Douglas today and visited the markets but I can’t tell you much else apart that they each bought a necklace with their name on it.]

Monday – ready to fly back to Cairns.  After a bit of a lazy morning, mum and I were in the car and headed for the airport (along with Ann).  The traffic was again horrendous and we sat in traffic at Rosehill for ages (the damn caravan show was on – ironic?).  After only taking one wrong turn, we made it to the airport.  It was just a drop and run by mum so obviously not long enough to have too many hugs but nice all the same.  I sat around the airport for over an hour and finally got to board my flight.  3 hours later – back in Cairns – yippee!!  I quickly grabbed the kids something small from Smiggle before heading out and being greeted by some excited little people (and one big one).  It was so good to be back with my man and little cherubs!  The girls were obviously excited too as they just wouldn’t take a breath – love it!!  Back at the caravan park I met some lovely people.  One woman with her two daughters (Debbie, Nikayla and Jacynda) also travelling Australia the same way as us (but not doing Cape York) and another couple from Holland (Burt and Karen).  We all sat together and enjoyed a lovely night - until the lights went out at “our” camp kitchen and then a grumpy man came over to ask us to be quiet!

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