Saturday 13 April 2013

8 April – 9 April 2013 – Lucinda (on the coast from Ingham)

We left Townsville today and drove north to Ingham.  We had been told by Mark and Sharon that the cemetery here was one to look out for – and it was the first sign we came across so we headed there.  It’s another good size but nowhere near as big as the one in Townsville.  The difference here is that most (if not all) of the deceased are Italians.  It appears that the coffins are buried above the ground (mostly in pairs) and then cemented in with small tiles.  Then for many, there is a small house like building sitting on the top, with a sliding door in, and there are photos, information and flowers remembering those that have passed.  Very different!  We grabbed a few groceries from town and then headed to Lucinda which is again on the coast.  Lucinda is well known for its sugar and even has a jetty which is over 5kms long where the sugar is taken out to sea and loaded onto the boats.  Unfortunately, as we noticed later in the day, this jetty is not open to the public (there goes our fishing expedition).  Whilst setting up Sami had a bit of a fall (I don’t even know how – maybe running in thongs?) and scraped her knees, legs, arms and hands but not too much blood.  She was more upset a little later when we went for a bike ride and Zoe ran over her foot.  Further into our bike ride, we rode west to the end of Dungeness Road which brought us to the Hinchinbrook Channel.  I was surprised to see a few holiday motels / accommodation places in this area.  The kids had a play in the park before returning.  I rested on a comfy chair with a pillow for a bit (as I have a sore neck and back from Josh throwing me in the pool at Townsville) while Josh and the girls went and kicked the ball around in the park before dinner.

The next day it was very overcast and there was a little bit of rain about.  Mid-morning we headed inland for Wallaman Falls.  It took quite a while to get there as it is up a large windy mountain but we were pumped for this waterfall that had a single drop of 268 metres.  As we wound up the mountain the clouds were closing in on us and by the time we reached the top we knew our fate.  We headed towards the lookout and all we could see was the clouds!  Bummer!!  The noise was good but the cloud was not going to budge.  We considered taking the track down the steep mountain but it was probably going to be pretty wet and slippery so we opted out.  Back at the car we had a bit of lunch and then Josh and I walked over to the lookout and stood and waited.  Eventually, the cloud thinned out a little but all we could see was the top section and even that wasn’t very clear.  We left there a bit disappointed but there was nothing we could do about it.  Heading back down the mountain Josh took the bends pretty carefully.  He didn’t even hit any of the cows that thought they owned the road.  We stopped at Ingham for a coffee and afternoon tea before going back to the van and hiding out inside away from the bad weather.  It gave us a good chance to give iTunes a work out for the rest of the day…





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