Thursday 20 June 2013

13 June -17 June 2013 – Darwin (mum flies home), school and Palmerstone water slides

Now that we were back in Darwin and we’d already seen many of the major sites, it was time for us to have a few days of relaxing in the sun with mum before she headed back home to the cold of Sydney.  Today was another day of war with the kids doing schoolwork and relaxing by the pool.  It was over 30 degrees as usual and the perfect day to laze about.  This evening we made our way into Mindil markets yet again and met Debbie, NC & JC there.  We’d be broke if we lived in Darwin as we’d visit here every Thursday and Sunday for dinner it is just so good.  We had a chance to sit and relax tonight while we gave the kids a bit of space on their own.  Unfortunately in doing so, they conned us into allowing them to buy a few whistles.  Whacky whistles!  They came running back after making their purchases and we regretted it the moment we heard them…. a piece of plastic in their mouths which vibrates as they speak, blow, breathe, etc.  We sent them on their merry way again, just so we didn’t have to listen to them.  We admired the beautiful sunset from the beach tonight and got a few lovely pictures of the four girls having fun together.  It was a lovely night until home time.  Back in the car Sami accidentally broke her new whistle and cried all the way back (about half an hour away) to the caravan park, then all the way to the amenities and throughout her shower and back to the van again, then still going after saying goodnight to us all and as she laid in her bed.  It was torture.  Fortunately, mum had a spare whistle and offered it to Sami with a $5 price tag.  Thankfully, she took her up on the offer and immediately stopped the crying – we were able to have a bit of peace now…… aahhh!

We had a quiet Friday morning before heading to the largest shopping centre in the Northern Territory at Casuarina.  The last time we saw a major shopping centre was back in Cairns so the kids had been nagging for a few weeks to visit the Big W here in Darwin.  Mum had offered to take all four young girls shopping which allowed us adults some quiet time to wander the shops and enjoy a quiet coffee.  The girls were stoked with this arrangement and came back with items such as clothes and fake nails and the best part, some time away from their parents!  After a fun afternoon out and after picking up some groceries, we made our way back to the van.  Josh had plans to drop in at a mates house tonight whilst all us girls stayed in for girlie time – that is, the younger ones in the van doing nails, hair and watching movies and us older three ladies outside chatting watching tv and enjoying a few too many glasses of wine.  We had another visit tonight from our little resident possum that lives up a nearby tree, very sweet and very hungry.  He wasn’t shy at all.  It was pretty late by the time we all got to bed but we were able to enjoy a sleep in tomorrow.

Saturday was a lazy day where the kids could enjoy the company of their friends whilst we were all in the one place.  Mum and I had a lazy day whilst Josh spent some time doing some work on the car.  He figured that it had done us so well so far, that he should repay it.  This evening Greg, Michelle, Jayden, Jazz and Axel came around to the van, along with Debbie and the girls and we enjoyed some pizzas whilst all the kids played together.

Our Sunday rolled around, and it was time for mum to fly home.  We had a lazy morning at the van and mum enjoyed her last bit of heat before pulling on her jeans and packing her bags ready to return to Sydney.  Just after lunch, mum farewelled Debbie and the girls and the rest of us headed to the airport.  It has been so great to see her and spend lots of time with her but all good things must come to an end.  Although, mum would have liked to stay longer, Josh was ready to drag her to the plane and say farewell – just kidding mum (I had to explain the photo I will post).  After dropping her off, we decided to stay in the city and hang around til the evening to attend the Deckchair Cinema.  We had a wander around parts of Darwin before heading to our favourite place – yes, Mindil Markets (again).  We didn’t buy any whistles this time but we did again enjoy lots of food!  Around 6pm we headed to the Deckchair Cinema for the free airing of Mabo.  It was fantastic and even the kids got into the whole story of the movie.  I can’t believe how many interesting free things there are to do in Darwin.  I wish Sydney would take a leaf from their book!

Monday morning and we tortured the kids again this morning with more school work.  However, we had bribed them that if they were to concentrate and get lots done, then we would reward them and take them to the water slides along with Debbie and the girls – so they were actually heads down today.  It was a good start but they started to slacken off so we told Debbie and the girls to go without us and we would meet up with them.  Fortunately it didn’t take too long and we were on our way to Palmerstone.  The water park like the overflowing bucket etc was shut but luckily the big race slides were open.  The kids raced the 88 steps to the top and they were off.  Us adults joined in the races and had a lot of fun in the sun.  It was pretty tiring continuously climbing those stairs but all worth it for the splash at the bottom.  After a couple of hours, we had ice blocks at the car before heading across the road so we could all grab some groceries.  The kids “hung out” while we walked the aisles grabbing our stuff.  The kids had a bit of fun while here - posing with the One Direction cardboard cutout.  We got back to the van just in time to put on our last meal with the Clarke’s, a scrumptious lamb roast with yummy graving.  The left overs were very few but we all had full tummies after dinner and then the snack chocolate for dessert.


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