Thursday 13 June 2013

2 June 2013 – Adelaide River to Batchelor

The kids went off to play with another little girl this morning, Melkara, whilst we adults packed up our camp.  We left here and drove just down the road to the Adelaide River War Cemetary.  I was really keen to have a look in here.  There are over 400 people whose grave sites are hear, we believe due to their bodies never being recovered.  It includes sailors, soldiers and airmen who died in WWII as well as a 9 people that were killed when the Darwin Post Office was bombed on 19 February 1942.  Upon leaving there we made our way to the small town of Batchelor which is not far out of Litchfield National Park.  After setting up and the kids going for a swim, I settled the kids into the air conditioned van to do a bit of schoolwork, something which has become rare of the kids these days.  The park has many birds which fly in twice a day for feeding so we went over to help out for tonight’s feed.  There must have been hundreds of them including corellas, lorikeets and a few others that I didn’t recognise.  We also got introduced to Rough Nut and Red, the two permanent resident dogs that were really good at cleaning up our scraps.  We spent a few hours playing cards again before bed tonight – and still haven’t gotten anywhere near finishing our game of frustration.

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