Tuesday 17 September 2013

13 September 2013 – Carnarvon and Gladstone Port

We left Point Quobba this morning bound for Carnarvon once again.  We did another drive through town and ended up stopping at the information centre so that Josh could find out if there was somewhere to fill the van tanks with water.  We were pointed in the direction of a local park where they had a tap as well as a dump point.  Seeing as though we’d been driving along the coast yesterday with lots of salty sea-spray going everywhere, Josh decided that it was also a good time to give the car a quick wash… not that I think it was too great as the water pressure was very slow.  We then went to the local Woolworths to grab some groceries and while there Josh changed a rubber piece from under the car on the sway bars (in actual fact I have no idea what he was doing to whatever part of the car but I’m sure I heard him mention something like this as I dazed out my window at one stage).  We were next heading to the OTC dish / Carnarvon Space and Technology museum, but in the process was passing a banana plantation with a sign out front listing all their fruits for sale so we pulled over to check it out.  We wandered down the driveway and found a large coup of chooks and a turkey, just about to be released – very noisy!  At their little stall we bought lots of tiny but delicious bananas, some frozen mango, a few yellow passionfruits and, last but not least, a custard apple as none of us have ever tried these weird looking fruits.  At the Space Museum, the kids were greeted by a woman handing them a space suit each – haven’t done dress-ups for a while but they loved it.  Zoe’s was a bit big but that didn’t deter her from putting it on and heading into the makeshift spacecraft.  Sami even had the “walking on the moon” motion down pat while we took photos.  Inside the kids were given a “fill-in the information” page… correction, this one was about 3-4 pages long.  We obviously didn’t get time to finish these so the lady that worked here gave the kids the answers to copy and learn on the road – as if they were going to do that!  Instead, we’ve been doing a bit of timestables in the car much to Sami’s dismay – but finally, she does almost have her three and four times tables down pat.  It was around 3pm when we left and we needed to find somewhere to stay for the night, Josh’s preference being out of Carnarvon somewhere – onwards we went.  We ended up turning off the main road and heading towards the coast to the port of Gladstone.  We believe it is probably called this as it is somewhere in line with Gladstone on the east coast – but that is just a guess.  As soon as we pulled up I went into the van to set up and didn’t want to walk back outside – it was bloody freezing cold and there was a very strong wind howling around.  Josh though, as he does, got talking to our neighbours who had started up a fire so after dinner we braved it outside in the wind with long pants and jackets (I now wish I had a beanie and scarf packed) talking to Mario and Helen from the Margaret River… our smart children stayed indoors to watch a movie snuggly warm in our bed.  The weather just didn’t let up tonight and Sami was the only one to get a good night’s sleep while the rest of us were wide awake for most of the night hearing the wind and feeling the caravan rocking away – I thought we were going to get blown out to sea!

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