Sunday 12 May 2013

7 May 2013 – Cape York Peninsula, around the traps

Josh slept in the hammock last night and by all accounts had a good sleep, much better than in the tent.  We decided that since we’d had a few big days to get here, today would be a bit of a rest day.  Ben and Josh went to Seisha wharf and did a bit of fishing with the kids this morning while Jenna and I relaxed.  I’ve had a bit of a crook neck for the past 4 days so it was good to do nothing for a few hours.  They returned with no fish, and I could really do with some fresh food!  We hit the road again and first stop was for fuel in Bamaga - $2.45 per litre!  It didn’t stop us driving around though.  We again drove through Seisha, Injinoo and Umagico.  The homes here are not very well maintained and there is quite a bit of rubbish about but Josh did make a good point about them not having to mow grass.  We came across another cute little caravan park called Alau Beach and chatted to the owner of the van park before moving on.  While in Injinoo we passed a local church which Josh recognised as the one belonging to a man he met on the wharf this morning.  After taking a few pics of it and then heading out of town, we passed that same man in his car so stopped to chat.  Peter, this lovely man, offered to show us the inside of his church so we turned around and took him up on his offer.  It was stunning, welcoming and very cute.  Peter then took us into the local school next door and showed us inside their baby room where his wife Mary works.  The children were all asleep in their little beds and the women working inside were nice and friendly.  Before leaving, Peter offered to take Josh and Ben out fishing on his boat later this afternoon – so nice of him, it was all teed up.  We went for a drive to Mutee Head, 20kms from Bamaga.  Apparently there is an old WWII radar station there but we didn’t go on the hunt to find it, instead we cooked up some food and enjoyed the view.  Josh also had a good idea to make Sami a sling shot – she loves it and I’m hoping she doesn’t do damage to someone or something while trying to use it.  Late this afternoon the boys went out fishing while us girls had some time back at our camp spot.  We spotted the boys on their way back in, and it was just as the sun was setting, so beautiful.  Unfortunately the boys didn’t bring any fish back with them but they did have a good time out there and really enjoyed the experience.




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