Thursday 12 December 2013

26 November – 27 November 2013 – Mannum

We farewelled the Woods this morning and headed on towards another friend’s home at Mannum.  We met up with Debbie, Nikayla and Jacynta for the first time at Cairns and then again at Kakadu and Darwin, so it has been a while since we last saw them.  Upon leaving the town of Kapunda we left town farewelling MAP the Miner (a large statue celebrating the Cornish mining history) dressed in Santa clothes and went to Nuriootpa to do some grocery shopping.  The kids had a lot of fun with both of them sitting in the one trolley and having all the groceries piled high on top of them… they were numb by the time we unloaded the trolley.  We passed Penfold Wines on the way out of town and drove on towards Mannum.  Upon pulling up to Debbie’s place, her parents came out to meet and greet us.  Leonie and Mick (and their dog Poppy) were just as lovely as Deb and her kids and made us feel very welcome.  Debbie wasn’t home from work for a few hours yet and her girls had just ducked down the road to a neighbour’s house for a swim (yes, hot weather).  Leonie took the girls and I down to the neighbour’s home so the kids could all catch up and go for a swim together.  I had the chance to meet Debbie’s two sisters and a whole lot of other friends with their children at the “local pool”.  The kids had soon all had enough and decided to walk back home and Leonie and I followed a little while after them.  When we returned we found Mick and Josh sitting about outside enjoying lots of cold beers together – who would have thought, hey?  Deb eventually arrived home and it was fantastic to catch up with her again and learn about what life has been like for her since returning from the road.  We all had a lovely dinner together, a few drinks (ok, the boys had more than just a few) and great conversation before hitting our cosy beds for the night.

This morning, the kids had arranged to all go to school together – yes, Zoe and Samantha were going to school with Jacynta, kind of like her show and tell.  Debbie and I took them up to the school, signed in the “visitors” and explained the situation to the stand in teacher (poor guy looked a little confused but didn’t argue with us over it).  We, Josh, Debbie and I, therefore had some free time on our hands before going back to the school to pick up our two kids so we made the most of this lovely sunny day by taking out the boat on the Murray River.  Josh had it all prepared when we got back to the van and we headed to the water.  A quick unhook off the top of the car and we were off – gee it was hot!  It was also fairly quiet with few people out fishing, canoeing or skiing in this glorious weather.   We decided to head up the Murray to Debbie’s in-laws place.  Near to where we put the boat in is a free ferry crossing for cars to cross the river as well as many big, beautiful house boats – a lot more than what you would see on the Hawkesbury River.  There were also loads of pelicans about, I’m not sure why they are so attracted to this area?  We pulled into the marina and met some more of Debbie’s family and they showed us around the property where they do their house-boat maintenance, stopped for a chat a while, and then left them to get back to their work.  We made our way back towards the car seeing as though we told our girls they could only stay until about recess.  After loading the boat back onto the car we headed back to the van to drop off the motor and then went to pick up the kids.  Pretty peckish by this stage, we headed into Mannum and had a great lunch at the local pub and then went for a tour about town.  We called into the information centre where they also had a museum on Mannum.  It was fantastic, there was a lot of history of the town and some old paddle-steamers but, even better, upstairs there was a make-shift paddle-steamer boat for the kids to try and steer along the Murray, ring the bells, and pretend to create the steam to get the boat moving – hard yakka!  Next we went outside and aboard the original P.S. Marion which has been restored.  We made quick stop off at the marina before finishing off the afternoon by picking up Nikayla and Jacynta and having 5 of us squashing into the back seat of the car and heading home.  We headed down the road to the “local pool” again with the kids this afternoon and spent a lovely night hanging out with all of Debbie’s family; it kind of made me miss my own family back home.

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