Monday 8 July 2013

21 June – 27 June 2013 – Lake Argyle

We packed up and farewelled Timber Creek this morning, bound for a place that Josh and I were highly anticipating – Lake Argyle.  This is the world’s 8th largest man-made lake and is Australia’s largest fresh water lake.  It spans approx. 1,000 square kilometres and holds about 80 times the water of Sydney Harbour.  Calling it huge is a massive understatement.  We checked into a powered site at Lake Argyle Caravan Park and realised that we didn’t have any phone or internet reception here – bliss.  After setting up, we wandered over to the stunning infinite pool which overlooks the lake.  It is amazing that we are looking at such a large expanse of water but in fact can only see 1% of the lake’s water!  On our way back from the pool, we stopped to kick the footy around in the park.  There was a little boy and his baby sister who were keen to join us so we began to play with them while their folks set up their camper trailer.  Once their camp was set up, we introduced ourselves to the Garland family.  Roy and Georgie and their lovely children Finn and Matilda (Tilly) were on an adventure of their own from country NSW across to Broome.  We were having a great time having a few drinks, and a few more before deciding that we should head to our van and get some dinner underway.  The kids were warm and at home in the van while us adults were enjoying some music outdoors – that was before “old mate” walked by and told us to turn it down, and it was only 7.45pm.  We’d had quite a few drinks by this time and the party was rocking…. however, by around 9pm Josh had kicked the kids out of his bed, had a quick shower and gone to bed, snoring loud enough for the rest of us outside to hear.  Tilly was already in bed by this stage and Georgie went to take Finn to bed not long after Josh – but she never returned.  Roy and I sat up enjoying a few rums by this stage and I have no idea what time it was that he ventured off around the caravan park looking for his campsite.  I think it was just after midnight that I woke from my reclining chair outside and found my own way into bed for the night.

The following day none of us were feeling too good – and unfortunately it wasn’t the best way for Georgie to feel on her birthday.  Most of us spent all morning in bed trying to sleep it off, not that it helped that much, and in the afternoon we made our way over to the pool hoping that the swim would give us a much needed kick-start to feeling well.  Around 2pm we boarded a bus to do a tour on Lake Argyle.  The boat was lovely and comfy and it was still warm and sunny – Georgie’s birthday had started to improve.  As part of the tour we saw the north, east and west of the lake, we were taken to crocodile bay and the bay of islands to name a few places.  It was amazing to say the least!  Just before the sun set, the boat was parked and we had the opportunity to swim in the lake.  Sure enough Josh was again first to strip off, climb the ladder onto the roof of the boat and jump on into the mighty large expanse of water  – and the girls and Roy were right behind him.  After taking a few photos, I climbed the ladder too and hesitated for a while before taking my leap of faith.  The water of the lake was so much warmer than the infinite pool back at the van park!  I grabbed a noodle to float about in the lake, whilst drinking my wine and watching the sun go down – it doesn’t get much better than that!!  When we arrived back at the van park, we got cleaned up, had a quick dinner and met the others over at the beer garden to enjoy a few drinks for Georgie’s birthday before retreating for a relatively early night back in our snug beds.

The next day, Sunday, we had it planned to take the boat out on the Ord River – so the other side of the dam wall.  There was the us, the Garland family and another family that the Garland’s met in Darwin, including Daniel, Bianca, Hayden & Brock.  The three families took off to the end of the road park located across the dam wall and on the Ord River just near the boat ramp.  We had a fantastic day, taking it in turns up and down the river on the boat and kicking the footy around in the park for most of the day – throw in a few drinks, a bit of food & great company and we had an awesome day in the sun.  Tonight was just a couple more quiet drinks – as our new-found friends were leaving for the Gibb River Road tomorrow.

Monday morning rolled around and we said our farewells to the others.  It would have been lovely to spend more time with them all but hopefully we will catch up again soon out on the road.  We decided to head into Kununurra ourselves today as we were extremely low on supplies and knew there was a Coles in town.  Upon arriving we saw that there was a Target, and as we hadn’t seen any department stores for a while, the kids and I spent about an hour and a half looking around – while Josh went elsewhere.  We wandered into the very small shopping complex had a small snack and decided that we would wait until later in the afternoon to grab our groceries.  Instead, we drove out of the centre of town to a nice park to make ourselves some lunch and catch up on some phone calls.  Whilst there, one of the calls we made was to Dad, so at the same time, we organised his flights to meet up with us in Broome in a few weeks time.  This after we checked out a few other stores like Betta Electrical, Retravision, a toy store and a couple of other variety stores before finding our way into the Visitor Information Centre and then off to Coles for the groceries.  As we were trying to squash everything into the car to take back with us, we had a chat with an aboriginal woman wanting some assistance to call a cab – and of course Josh was obliging.  It was early evening as we were driving the hour back to Lake Argyle and in doing so we had the most beautiful orange sky with a full moon in the distance – just stunning!

Tuesday morning, now that we had some supplies, the kids got pancakes with strawberries and chocolate syrup for breakfast – yummo!  Late morning, we had planned to do some school work but instead ventured down the road to the Argyle Downs Homestead Museum.  It is the original Durack family home built back in 1894.  However, in around 1972 when Lake Argyle was being dammed, it was decided not carefully pull this home down brick by brick so that it wasn’t left at the bottom of the Lake once filled.  They rebuilt this home with attention to detail, and using the exact materials, high up on this mountain (on the road in to Lake Argyle Caravan Park) and turn it into a museum as a memorial and vision to the families who first settled the vast Kimberley region.  As well as viewing this home in its near original state, there is also a lot of information about the Durack family – interesting to say the least.  They even went so far as retrieving the family’s headstones and relocating them to this museum instead of allowing them to sink deep within the lake once it was filled.  Upon leaving the homestead, we made a turn off the main road into the bush to where a spillway is and found beautiful remote land with a small amount of water below.  Fortunately, we were fairly high up, as below in the water was a good sized crocodile – only a freshie though, nothing to concern us but great to see it moving so gracefully in the water without a worry in the world!  This afternoon, we again forewent the schoolwork and went for another dip in the infinite pool whilst we still had the chance.

You may have noticed that it’s been a while since any school work has been done – well Wednesday and Thursday we made the most of our free time by drilling the kids into some of this – and it was about time.  I can’t confirm that it was done with the most effort (as we still had swimming to do) but majority of it was done.  What didn’t get done, we sent back that way – unfinished!  We had better things to do and, as it was mostly music work that wasn’t finished, we figured it wasn’t much to worry about.  However, in saying that, Zoe and I had a lot of fun learning a cup song from a movie that we’d watched.  OK – it wasn’t what school had asked – but we learnt some rhythm and coordination whilst learning it anyway.  Sami didn’t join in with us but she’s been singing quite a lot in the van lately (I wish I had earplugs) so I’m sure it counts for something – maybe?  The State of Origin was on tonight so after dinner we went to reception to watch the game (finally got to watch tv for an hour or two).  What a game!  NSW was flogged – and boy did they deserve to be.  They played terrible.  After the schoolwork on Thursday, we found another lookout – this time the position was given to us by a couple that we met in the pool who are working at Lake Argyle Van Park for the season – so people in the know.  It is one of the few vantage points that you can get from the land.  It was a great view but I think the best way to see a lot of the lake all at once could only be by air.  If you’re viewing the lake by land or water, and you look out at the horizon for as far as the eye can see, all you can still see is the water… it’s impossible to see the entire lake from these points due to its size.


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