Friday 19 July 2013

28 June – 29 June 2013 – Kununurra

We packed up and left the amazing Lake Argyle this morning, bound for a town with phone and internet reception once more.  We were booked into Kimberleyland, Kununurra to meet up with Sean, Liz, Matt and Olivia Harris (friends from back in NSW) as they were meeting up with us to see the Kimberleys and travel the Gibb River Road across to Broome.  We set up camp right next to the pool, perfect for watching the kids.  They spent nearly all day in the pool while we caught up with phone calls, etc.  Surprisingly it was fairly early that the Harris family arrived.  They have been towing their van up to here for the past 6 days straight to get here and I’m sure felt relieved to have finally made it – now for a drink!  

Our Saturday in Kununurra was lazy, trying to arrange some dates over the next three weeks, which is a bit of a hard task when we don’t really know what lies ahead.  We took Olivia with us and headed into town to do a bit of shopping, first was the butcher.  Followed by Target as the kids had been nagging for a Furby for ages and the toy sales had begun at Target.  There were three left on the shelf and Sami and Olivia grabbed one each but Zoe wasn’t happy with the grey one that remained so simply went without, hoping that we could maybe buy one online.  We continued on with our grocery shopping at Coles, loading the trolley right up in anticipation for the GRR.  This afternoon we went for a drive to Ivanhoe Crossing and the water was flowing really quickly.  Afterwards, we spent a bit of time at the Hoochery which is the local rum factory.  The shots we tried were pretty good.  Upon leaving there, it was nearly sunset and we tried to find the local lookout to view the sun going down.  We ended up making a wrong turn and only just made the end of the sunset.  We headed back to the van and noticed a local AFL game on so stopped at the ground to watch a few of the aboriginal teams playing before going home for a quiet night.

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