Friday 10 May 2013

1 May 2013 – Cooktown

It is Wednesday today and we are still waiting to see what is happening with Cyclone Zane.  It seems to be approaching the mainland so slowly, but maybe that is because we are anxious to get moving north?  We sat by the TV for most of today waiting for news updates but they don’t seem to be too on top of anything here.  This evening we were still getting updates from 7am this morning.  We have had some good bouts of rain and wind today and the cyclone is now supposed to hit tomorrow morning around 9am… I’m in two minds about how to feel.  Should I be excited that we are going to get to witness a cyclone or should I really want it to magically disappear so that we can move onward and upward towards our dream of reaching Cape York – I think I will go for the latter.

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