Friday 31 May 2013

25 May 2013 – Daly Waters

We had another lie in this morning.  We just couldn’t drag ourselves out of bed due to the freezing cold morning.  We were in no great rush as we didn’t have too far to drive today.  It was only about 250kms to Daly Waters, our chosen destination for the day.  Josh was on fire when he got up this morning.  He was on a mission to clean the van and car, mainly due it being covered in a floral arrangement from sitting under the trees at Adels Grove, and also because it was only going to cost $2 per vehicle to wash it while at Banka Banka.  He was so inspiring that it got a few other blokes off their chairs and they too decided that they should also give their cars and vans a clean.  In the meantime, the girls went to visit the resident cow and horse who they'd affectionately named Daisy and Jack, which left me a few carrots short in our fridge. Our rig was sparkling by the time we hit the road.  It didn’t matter that we were surrounded by dirt and dust here in NT, it did manage to stay clean for a part of the day.  We stopped at Dunmarra for fuel on our journey today and as we pulled out of the fuel station, there was a buffalo crossing the road.  Who would have thought?  Our day was again filled with the same scenery as yesterday so I pulled out a book to pass time in the car today.  The time went by quickly and it wasn’t long before we had turned off the Highway and arrived at Daly Waters Pub.  There were 2 cars lined up before us to get into the camping area… busy little place this was.  It seemed that many of the campers from Banka Banka had decided to stop here too.  We even noticed that our new friends Bruce and Jenni were also staying here so pulled up a spot of grass, actually it was just dirt and dust, right behind where they had their van.  We quickly said our hellos to familiar faces, set up the  van and pulled out some drinks and settled into our comfy chairs and conversation with others.  Due to us doing our shopping at Tennant Creek, we ate at the van again tonight.  But many other residents for the night chose to head into the Daly Waters Pub for their famous Beef n Barra feast.  It wasn’t cheap but from what we saw it sure did look good.  We went across to the quaint little pub after dinner.  This pub is similar to that of the Lion’s Den in that it is covered in memorabilia, shirts, bras, thongs, money, written comments, etc.  Everywhere you turned there was something new that caught your eye, even a comment from Bruce and Jenni from their first visit here in 2009.  There was music playing out in the courtyard so we grabbed a few drinks and sat enjoying the entertainment.  ‘Chilli’ was the last act for the night and he had some fantastic country songs but I was even more impressed with the poetry that he recited in relation to the songs that he was singing.  It was such a great night – especially sitting under the gas heaters, cosy as toast, in the outdoor area.

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