Sunday 26 May 2013

20 May 2013 – Normanton, Burke & Wills Roadhouse & Gregory Downs

We packed and left Karumba this morning, pleased that we had visited here.  Our first port of call was to get back to Normanton to pick up the mended bike rack and the four bikes.  After doing so we were road bound for a few hours, and this time travelling south towards the Burke and Wills Roadhouse / Junction.  The kids did a bit of school work in the car this morning and I may not mention this much, but in between our adventures, the kids have been doing schoolwork where we can fit it in.  It took a few hours but eventually we reached the Roadhouse and Josh fuelled up.  There was a car broken down here and Josh again went to the rescue.  A few tools in hand, he worked out quickly that it was the starter motor and fixed it by hitting it with his hammer (as you can tell I know nothing about cars).  We went back into the Roadhouse and grabbed some late lunch and were tossing up whether to stop here for the night or continue to drive on – Josh chose to keep driving.  We ended up at a very small town called Gregory Downs and pulled up in a free camp area.  There were another couple of vans and we got talking to Leonard and Cheryl while we set up the van.  While doing so, another gentleman wandered by in his speedos and carrying a towel.  We questioned where he’d been and he told us about the lovely Gregory River which was just at the end of a nearby dirt road.  It was getting late in the evening so we quickly changed into swimmers and went to check this place out.  As Tom mentioned, at the end of the dirt road, and across a small timber bridge, was a river and alongside here were about another 6 caravans (actually in the river due to the water level being so low).  We ducked in for a swim and the water was very cool.  It was lovely and refreshing and the kids were having a bit of fun trying to swim into the flowing current.  We set up the laptop after dinner tonight and all settled in to watch Narnia – Josh didn’t make it far in before he was snoring but us girls enjoyed it.

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