Sunday 19 May 2013

11 May – 12 May 2013 –Cairns (including Mother’s Day)

We spent today unpacking, repacking, cleaning, de-dusting, washing, drying, etc.  By the end of the day, the car and caravan were back in order and lovely and clean again!  Good job Josh!  Sunday was Mother’s Day and after waking the kids up to thank them for being mine, we got dressed and headed out to explore a few local beaches that I hadn’t seen yet.  We headed to Palm Cove, Knobby’s Beach and ended up at Trinity Beach for a lovely lunch overlooking a park across the road where the kids had a play and the water on the other side of that.  It was very breezy but still pleasantly warm.  After lunch and a few drinks, we decided to head to Hackett’s Bungy Jumping and cheer on the folk that decided to jump for their lives.  We only got through about 3 people (including one in a chicken suit) before there was a guy that stood up there for ages psyching himself out of the jump.  It was pretty funny but at the same time we were willing him to just take that step (not that I would have done it).  On our way home, we stopped in at Coles at Smithfield (north of Redlynch) and bought a few supplies.  Walking up to the cashiers the girls got pretty excited about some due in a red hat and red shoes – I had no idea who he was!  Fortunately I had the camera with us and asked him if I could have a happy snap with the kids and he was so welcoming and happy to oblige… lovely guy.  It turns out he is James Elmer from ABC 3 (if you’re anything like me, most of you will still not know who he is) – the crazy one as the girls were telling me.  That night, I stayed in alone for an hour while Josh and the girls ducked into the Cairns night markets.  Josh was so happy with his sleep in the hammocks recently, that he went back for one of his own!

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