Wednesday 30 January 2013

26 January 2013 – Tamworth Country Music Festival

Happy Australia Day!!!  I think Tamworth has to be one of the best places to spend Australia Day and we will definitely be back for future Country Music Festivals.  We spent most of today wandering around the streets of Tamworth with the Edwards family today and finally settled into The Albert pub for a few drinks in the afternoon.  Late in the afternoon, we headed back to get dolled up for the ultimate country music night of nights, the Golden Guitar Awards!  The four of us along with Mark & Erica went out for dinner before heading to the TRECC for the big night.  We had missed the stars walking the red carpet but we had our turn on it anyway.  Troy Cassar-Daley won I think a total of four of the big awards including Male Artist of the Year and Album of the Year and the Female Artist went to Catherine Britt.  Chris E Thomas missed out on the New Talent of the Year Award as that went to Chelsea Basham.  Unfortunately, John Williamson didn’t get up and perform tonight as he apparently had quite a bad cold?  However, a few highlights of the night was having Geoff Mack there (he wrote the song “I’ve Been Everywhere”) as he was presented with a Lifetime Achievement award, but then the Sunny Cowgirls sang the song as the finale and Lucky Star (who first recorded this song) came out to sing a verse along with them.  It was a great finish to a top night!

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