Monday 7 January 2013

2 January 2013 – Sydney to Swansea (Blacksmiths Beach)

2 January 2013 – Sydney to Swansea (Blacksmiths Beach)

So, all packed up this morning ready for our trip!  Josh and Jodi were kind enough to make us breakfast (it is very sweet to be a part of their already large family), then we said our goodbyes and hit the road.  First stop was back to mum’s (we had forgotten to pack our normal pillows), and then off to Josh’s work to return a few things.  It was about lunch time when we departed – finally!!  We arrived at Blacksmiths Beach around 2pm and we were greeted by the Garton family.  After setting up the van for our stay we went for a nice easy walk along the beach before heading back to the caravan park for a few drinks and then dinner.  The kids changed the sleeping arrangements and we had Zoe and Annalyse in the van with us for the night.

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