Friday 4 January 2013

31 December 2012 - New Year's Eve 2012

31 December 2012 – still in Sydney (back to Kurmond)

Woohoo!  New Years Eve!!  We had a final pack-up day today.  We collected our final things from Rouse Hill then went to Windsor to get our final things from mum’s.  All was packed into the car and taken to our caravan at the Turner family home.  We dumped a few things in the van and decided it was too hot to proceed with packing and went for the slushy machine instead.  This was set up in preparation for our New Years Eve celebrations.  We enjoyed our New Year Eve with good friends and got chatting to many other lovely people.  The Turner pool was full with what I would guess to be about 30 children, followed by a bit of back-yard cricket and lazing about in the heat of the day.  Jodi and I helped (or more like hindered) Josh with making jam donut shots and then in the wee hours of the morning the boys were trying to outdo each other by talking up the number of push ups each of them could do (not that any were performed… onya Jas).  There were lots of tents already set up for the kids to sleep in, and we had 5 kids in the caravan with us by the end of the night.  I would have to rate this as one of the best New Years that we’ve ever had and can’t thank the Turner’s enough for allowing us to spend the night at their house with not only their friends but many of our own.  We had a fantastic night followed by a lovely recovery day on the day after.  Welcome to 2013!!!

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