Saturday 13 April 2013

10 April – 12 April 2013 – Mission Beach (via Tully)

Wednesday morning and it is time to check out of Lucinda.  However, we slept until 8.30am this morning (love this no work life).  Josh was up late last night trying to do something on the computer including doing an upgrade on his iPhone but he was at the same time using the Hotspot on his phone… well, it didn’t work as the upgrade switched the phone off but then wanted him to connect to iTunes – not possible without the Hotspot on his phone.  So this morning he went and got a free internet connection off the caravan park and fixed his problem – thankfully.  What would we do without the internet and what would you all do without our blog??  So we finally got away around 10.30am and although wet weather was predicted, it was only sprinkling at this stage.  The rain picked up not long after leaving this morning but was really light driving through Cardwell.  Well that fooled us!  We drove on further and then understood what the weather forecasters were talking about.  By the time we reached Tully it was absolutely pelting down.  We believe now that Tully truly is the wettest town in Australia (that is a fact according to Wikipedia).  It is also one of the town’s hardest hit by Cyclone Yasi in February 2011.  This fact was making me a little nervous seeing as though creeks and rivers were filling rapidly on our drive in and the wind is picking up.  Josh has been doing really well to keep us safe on the road, in particular, when we get massive trucks passing us in this weather or they are overtaking us at a great speed!  We pulled over to have a look around the main street of Tully and found a cosy little bakery for a pie and coffee – exactly what we needed after being drenched from simply hopping out of the car.  It was Josh’s fault that we were even more soaked hopping back in the car as it was he who started the childish games of splashing us in the puddles and locking us out of the car.  So - dripping wet back in the car we headed towards the coast to Mission Beach where we had intended on staying the night.  We passed a tractor who had slipped off the road so turned around to see if we could assist at all – he had already called his council employer to get help underway so we continued on.  At Mission Beach us girls got our own back.  We sat in the car and let Josh out set up the van alone in the rain… no point in us all getting drenched!  After settling in, we sat the kids down and did a couple of hours of schoolwork – they are learning about the weather – ironic??  We flicked between our usual shows of The Voice and MKR before now relaxing.  We plan to stay here 2 nights but with the weather the way it is and the puddles building up around us, that could turn into about 7 nights.  Time will tell….

We woke up to more bad weather today and jumped in the car for a drive about the towns of Mission Beach and down to South Mission Beach.  We were on a “mission” to find a cassowary in the wild.  The only thing we managed to see were stacks of wallabies ata new estate at South Misson Beach.  We drove a bit more around the area before heading back to the caravan to listen to the rain.

Friday was again much the same.  More rain and very little happening.  The kids did their final bits of schooling for the term.  Josh and I actually ducked out for about 20 minutes while the kids were locked in the van doing their “news” and “journals”.  We just walked to the little shops next to the caravan park to grab a coffee and hot chips for the kids.  Thankfully by the time we returned the kids were done and we can dust our hands of school work now for 2 weeks.  This afternoon we all settled in while it was raining and watched a movie together before dinner and bed… quiet rainy day!


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