Tuesday 2 April 2013

17 March - 18 March 2013 Cape Hillsborough

Sunday morning and we enjoyed our usual sleep in and then headed to Seaforth as the town’s markets were on.  Upon pulling up, we found that these markets consisted of about no more than 12 stalls.  We walked hoping to spend a little bit of money to put into the town.  First stall was a book shop.  Each of the girls bought a book to read (and were also given a free magazine each) and Josh picked up about 6 magazines for all of 50 cents each.  A little further on, a husband and wife were selling their home made honey (and we’ve been loving our honey on our weetbix for breakfast) but instead of buying their regular jars we chose a creamy honey in a tub.  It’s not runny at all but great on toast.  Further on we were tempted to try some dragon fruit, both types, red and white on the inside.  It is a bit like kiwi fruit on the inside but wasn’t buy worthy.  Instead we opted to buy some home-made apricot slice which was crumbly and delicious!!  After the markets we had a further look around Seaforth, including onto the beach to search for more peculiar shells… and found a few to add to the collection.  Back at the caravan park, we just went for a swim and chilled for the afternoon.  We got talking to our neighbours (I think we were the only ones left in the park by this stage) that were travelling around with their teen daughter.  Josh eventually took the boat out for a spin with Glenn and his wife went fishing for the afternoon.  It was hilarious when they both returned to their motorhome as they got into a massive slurring match which went on for a lot of time about the way that Glenn had hooked up Maree’s fishing line – wow!

Monday morning and we were still here at Cape Hillsborough waiting for the kids school package to arrive.  We weren’t too sure whether it would even arrive today.  We relaxed all morning and at lunch time we bagun to pack up the van in the hope that their work would turn up.  Sure enough it did so we were able to leave the park by mid-afternoon bound for Airlie Beach.  There was a bit of roadworks happening down the main street of Airlie so Josh wasn’t able to find the caravan park he was after.  Instead, Seabreeze was our caravan park of choice.  It was just on the Airlie side of Cannonvale and not far from Abel Marina.  After setting up, we went into Airlie Beach for a wander around and then headed out to get some desperately needed groceries and have a quiet night.


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