Tuesday 2 April 2013

14 March - 15 March 2013 – Cape Hillsborough

Finally Mackay gave us something to enjoy.  We travelled less than an hour north of Mackay and found a nature resort on the coast called Cape Hillsborough.  Upon driving in, we immediately knew that we would enjoy this place.  The park is right on the beach with plenty of trekking areas around us, it is a large park with a lot of wildlife, it has friendly staff and a great 23m pool for the kids (and us) and there is hardly anyone about.  Very relaxing!  Once set up, we went for a walk along the pretty beach and tried to catch the tiny crabs buried in the sand.  We followed that up with a great swim in the pool and then a bike ride back out on the road and out to the nearby Diversity Boardwalk which meanders through the many mangroves.  By the time we returned it was low tide and the perfect time to head back to the beach and for a walk out along the rocky causeway and over to Wedge Island.  I headed over to the amenities for a quick shower before the highlight of our night – the footy.  Just outside the amenities door were two large cane toads (not the first we’ve seen this trip) but they were the biggest ones so far – not what I wanted to see in the dark of the night.  Then, while waiting for the warm water to come through in the shower, I had a baby gecko jump on my back.  Luckily it fell straight off and I was able to stifle my girly screams.  The rest of the night was not a success either.  Josh in his doggies jersey, me in my Parra jersey and we settled in to watch the footy with a drink in hand.  The outcome of the game was not what I was hoping for.  The doggies had scored the first try and Josh was already flickering the light switch with delight.  Thankfully, he has not rubbed it in too much!

Friday morning and after breakfast and a short walk along the beach, we got stuck into a bit of school work with the kids including some reading aloud, some oral news reporting and then onto literacy items to do with information reports… so much fun!  In between all the school work we made lots of use of that lovely pool again and taking in the bush surrounds, including a gorgeous flock of black cockatoos feasting on the grass seeds.  This afternoon, Josh and the kids had a bit of a bike-ride and then we all went for a drive along a short 4-wheel drive track along the Yuibera Trail and out to the Aboriginal fish trap remains which is a group of rocks where the Yuibera tribe would catch their dinner.  Our last stop this afternoon was a short drive to Smalleys Beach / camping ground which looked likely to be a good fishing spot but we are yet to find out.  Friday night here in the caravan park is fish and chip night so thanks to the cooks, it was delicious!!  It has been a quiet night in with the kids tonight watching the last of the Shrek movies and thankfully everyone is now asleep… quiet time for me!!

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