Thursday 25 April 2013

24 -25 April 2013 – Crystal Creek Caravan Park (Cairns)

To the kids’ horror, both these days were filled with school work even though they are on school holidays.  We leave soon for Cape York without the van and don’t have a lot of spare room in the car for school work, and nor will we have a lot of time to get the work done as we will be doing a lot of driving – so, now is as good a time as any.

We considered heading into Cairns for the Anzac Day march but instead just hung around the van doing school work before going for a late afternoon swim at the caravan park pool.  After dinner, we headed into Cairns for a drive and stopped again at the night markets.  We bought a few things including new thongs for us all and Zoe got a lovely coloured bracelet (early birthday present).  Josh even shouted me a 40 minute massage – for $15!  It was lovely and relaxing except for when the kids were right near me, or should I say under me?  They were trying to see my face through the face whole in the bed so were nearly laying on the floor under my bed and Zoe was licking my dangling hands… urgh.

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